Training, uddannelse

APQP4Wind Train the Trainer

The objective of the Train the Trainer Course is to provide the participant with the basic knowledge on how to execute APQP4Wind Awareness Training for All Employees internally in the company.

The participant must understand and be able to convey the role that both management and employees play in the APQP4Wind process and communicate the value that the company can gain by implementating APQP4Wind.


It is a requirement that the participant has passed APQP4Wind Management Awareness Training, and it is recommended that the participant has management or trainer experience.

Learning objectives

After this training, the participant should be able to:

  • Understand the APQP4Wind processes, framework, and requirements, and communicate the implication to the employees.
  • Communicate the roles and expected behavior of both management and the individual employee in the APQP process.

Target group

Top managers, managers and quality managers in companies that are Suppliers to the wind industry.