Training course


To ensure that manufacturers and suppliers speak the same language when it comes to quality assurance, the APQP4Wind Manual and Toolbox are supported by a training concept that ensures uniform application of the tool. The training effort is meant to substitute training given on a more random basis.

Training in the APQP4Wind concept is vital to establishing a common mindset and terminology in the wind industry when working with quality assurance processes. The APQP4Wind Training concept is designed to build these competencies and mature the industry. The training concept has multiple advantages: It ensures that suppliers follow the same procedures for the approval of sub-components (PPAP - Product Part Approval Process) and understand how the standards are to be adopted in practice.

Training concepts 

Post it board med fortæller, kursus, event
The objective of the APQP4Wind Specialist Training course is to give the participants a solid understanding of the APQP4Wind processes and introduce the framework, requirements, and tools. Furthermore, to train and to understand how to use and apply the tools in practice.
APQP4Wind Specialist Refresher Training
The objective of the APQP4Wind Specialist Refresher Training course is to update and refresh the participants’ knowledge of the APQP4Wind framework and the rationales behind the changes and to stimulate and mobilize the participants for further implementation. It is also to present and discuss the experience achieved in the implementation and use of APQP4Wind in own companies as dos and don’ts as well as specific cases. Furthermore, it is to present the status and directions of the APQP4Wind development.
Håndslag, networking
The objective of the APQP4Wind Management Awareness Training course is to give the participants a basic understanding of the management role in the APQP4Wind process and introduce the framework, requirements, and tools. In addition, to make the participants reflect on how APQP4Wind can be successfully implemented and thereby mitigate risk and improve value creation.
Our mornings Aha!-moments, post it, kursus
The objective of the APQP4Wind Management Awareness Refresher Training course is to update and refresh the participants’ knowledge of the APQP4Wind framework, the rationales behind it and the value in using it from a management perspective. Furthermore, it is to present and discuss the experience achieved in the implementation and use of APQP4Wind in own companies and to present updates during the latest 4-year period as well as future perspectives.
Assessment Tool Training
The objective of the APQP4Wind Assessment Tool Training course is to give the participants an understanding of the APQP4Wind Assessment Tool and knowledge on how to use and apply the tool in practice.
Training, uddannelse
The objective of the Train the Trainer Course is to provide the participant with the basic knowledge on how to execute APQP4Wind Awareness Training for All Employees internally in the company.
Dame, kursus, training, post it's på bord
The objective of the the Awareness Training for All Employees is to give the employees a basic understanding of APQP4Wind and how they can contribute to achieving quality, risk mitigation, improvement and value creation using the APQP4Wind process and framework.
APQP4Wind Internal Auditor Training
The objective of the Internal Auditor Training course is to give the participant a solid understanding of APQP4Wind and how an audit can support the risk mitigation, improvement and value creation using the APQP4Wind process and framework.