TIM Wind

The ambition of TIM Wind is to create a clear and unambiguous interpretation of the existing standards and to develop new standards that can be applied in the wind industry. Upon completion, the documents created in the TIM Wind workstreams will be open source and available to the global wind sector.

List of TIM Wind Workstreams

Workstream 1: Document kind Classification Codes (DCC) for the wind industry

The workstream on Document kind Classification Codes (DCC) was established in May 2020 to align the understanding and interpretation of IEC 61355-1 Classification and designation of documents for plants, systems, and equipment for the wind industry. The specific outcome of the group discussions is a guideline that describes the use of the codes in IEC 61355-1.

Workstream 2: Reference Designation Standards for Wind Power Systems – Wind Turbine Generator (RDS for WTG)

The workstream on Reference Designation Standards for Wind Power Systems – Wind Turbine Generator (RDS for WTG) was established in May 2020 to align Reference Designation Standards for Wind Power Systems. The complete deliverable from the group will include both a functional, location, and product breakdown of the wind turbine and a guideline describing the above mentioned.

Workstream 3: Content Requirements for Customer Information

The workstream on Content Requirements for Customer Information was established in May 2020 with the purpose of developing an industry standard that specifies which information the OEM must deliver to the customer. The specific outcome of this workstream is a published content requirement document that will describe the information that shall be communicated between OEM and the customer.

When it is ready,The Wind Industry Guideline for Content Requirements for Customer Information can be purchased here.

Workstream 4: Standardized data flows (APIs)

The workstream on Standardized data flows (APIs) was established in May 2023 with the purpose to create a best practice way to transfer data in machine-readable format from the turbine manufacturers to their customers. This workstream is aiming at building a customer journey focusing on data and information exchange between turbine manufacturers and developers or utilities.

When it is ready, The Wind Industry Guideline for Standardized data flows (APIs) can be purchased here.

Workstream 5: Reference Designation Standards for Wind Power Systems - Balance of Plant (RDS for Foundations)

The workstream on Reference Designation Standards for Wind Power Systems - Balance of Plant (RDS for Foundations) was established in May 2023 with the purpose of aligning Reference Designation Standards for the Balance of Plants in Wind Power Systems. It builds on the results already created for RDS for WTG in the workstream initiated in May 2020 and with largely the same participants.

The Wind Industry Guideline for Reference Designation Standards for Wind Power Systems - Balance of Plant (RDS for Foundations) can be purchased below.